Thursday, November 15, 2007

Santa's a pimp and he gets his latte faster

Seems everytime I log onto the internet lately I'm tripping across some new piece of absolute moronicness from somewhere on the globe. The funny thing is sometimes the reporters realize it's moronic... like the mall in Australia who told their store santa's to say "ha ha ha" now because they thought "ho ho ho" might be offensive to women. Newsflash mates -- Saint Nick was around long before Snoop Dog.

Another stupid thing that annoys me is I keep reading all these moronic studies that colleges are conducting. One article reported recently that coffee houses discriminate against women, because it takes women an average of 20 seconds longer to get served their coffee drinks. I don't know about you, but personally stuff like that kind of makes me want to send those researchers to find out how long it takes to get a latte in Darfur, or Afganistan perhaps.

Another study from Great Britian claims that 1 in 4 people would NOT give up their cell phone for a month for a million dollars. Actually that one's kind of encouraging, because really I think that just shows that 1 in 4 people in Great Britian have a sense of humor. Perhaps there is hope for us yet.



Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

I agree, the coffee study is idiotic. Besides, the longer it takes me to get my latte, the more likely the barristo with flirt with me! ;-) [Yes, yes, I know...I'm *married*...but that doesn't mean I'm dead.]

Here's one that really stinks, though - about 10 years ago, I read a study that said that 80% of female college students polled would "rather be hit by a truck than weigh 300 pounds". Talk about stupid! If you're *alive* you can lose weight, genius! If you're dead, forget it. Sheesh.